Bibliographie :
Baldwin, John, W., "The medieval theory of the just price : romanists, canonists and theologians in the twelfth and thirtennth centuries", Transactions of the American philosophical Society, New series, 49, 1, 1959, p. 1-92.
Gründel, Johannes, "L'oeuvre encyclopédique de Raoul Ardent : le Speculum universale", dans La pensée encyclopédique au Moyen Age, Neuchâtel, La Baconnière, 1966, p. 87-104.
Heimann, Clara, Ernst, Stefan (éd.), Radulfi Ardentis Speculum Universale. Libri I-V, Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, p. CXXXIII-484.
Hennig, John, "The manuscripts sources of early scholastic theology", Scriptorium, 4, 1950, p. 312.